





『俳句 百年の問い』(編著)、講談社、1995年
『夏石番矢全句集 越境紀行』(初期句集『うなる川』と句集『漂流』所収)、沖積舎、2001年
『世界俳句2005 第1号』(編著)、西田書店、2004年
『世界俳句2006 第2号』(編著)、七月堂、2005年
『世界俳句2007 第3号』(編著)、七月堂、2007年
『連句 虚空を貫き』(カジミーロ・ド・ブリトーとの共著)、七月堂、2007年
『展望 現代の詩歌』第10巻(共著)、明治書院、2007年
『世界俳句2008 第4号』(編著)、七月堂、2008年
『空飛ぶ法王 161俳句』、こおろ社、2008年
『世界俳句2009 第5号』(編著)、七月堂、2009年
『世界俳句2010 第6号』(編著)、七月堂、2010年
『世界俳句2011 第7号』(編著)、七月堂、2011年
『世界俳句2012 第8号』(編著)、七月堂、2012年
『世界俳句2013 第9号』(編著)、七月堂、2013年
『世界俳句2014 第10号』(編著)、七月堂、2014年
『世界俳句2015 第11号』(編著)、七月堂、2015年
『世界俳句2016 第12号』(編著)、七月堂、2016年
『世界俳句2017 第13号』(編著)、七月堂、2017年
『創刊20周年記念 吟遊同人自筆50句選』(編著)、七月堂、2017年
『俳句ひらく 現代俳人の筆跡』」(共著)、現代俳句協会、2017年
『世界俳句2018 第14号』(編著)、七月堂、2017年

Haiku: antichi e moderni, Garzanti Editore, Italy, 1996 (co-authored).
A Future Waterfall: 100 Haiku from the Japanese, Red Moon Press, USA, 1999 & 2004.
Romanje po Zemlji, Društvo Apokalipsa, Slovenia, 2000.
Цветята на Вятьра, Matom, Bulgaria, 2001.
Poesia Sempre NÚMERO 17, Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil, 2002 (co-authored).
Haiku: Poetry Ancient & Modern, MQP, UK, 2002 (co-authored).
Haiku: the leaves are back on the tree, Greece, 2002 (co-authored).
Ombres et Lumières, LCR, Bulgaria, 2003 (co-authored).
Haiku: Poésie anciennes et Modernes, Édition Vega, France, 2003 (co-authored).
Странный Ветер, Иностранка, Russia, 2003 (co-authored).
The Road: world haiku, Ango Boy, Bulgaria, 2004 (co-authored).
Ribnik tišine: slovenska haiku antologija, Društvo Apokalipsa, Slovenia, 2005 (co-authored).
L’Anthologie du Poème Bref, Les Dossiers d’Aquitaine, France, 2005 (co-authored).
Right Eye in Twilight, Wasteland Press, USA, 2006.
Endless Helix: Haiku and Short Poems, Cyberwit.net, India, 2007 & 2009.
Le bleu du martin pêcheur: Haïkus, L'iroli, Beauvais, France, 2007 (co-authored).
Madarak / Birds / 鳥: 50 Haiku, Balassi Kiadó, Hungary, 2007.
Pellegrinaggio terrestre / Earth Pilgrimage / 地球巡礼, Albalibri Editore, Italy, 2007.
Flying Pope: 127 Haiku / 空飛ぶ法王 127俳句, Cyberwit.net, India, 2008.
Balsis no mākoņiem / Voices from the Clouds / 雲から声, Minerva, Latvia, 2008.
MUNDUS poesie per un'etica del rifiuto, Valtrend Editore Napoli, Italy, 2008 (co-authored).
ŐSI FENYŐ, tr. by Vihar Judit, Napkút Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary, 2008 (co-authored).
Music of the Twentieth Century, A. P. F. Publisher, USA, 2010 (co-authored).
Hybrid Paradise / ハイブリッド天国, Cyberwit.net, India, 2010.
Il Papa che vola: 44 haiku / 空飛ぶ法王 44俳句, Rupe Mutevole, Italy, 2010.
The Individual Voice 16, Helicon Poetry Society, Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2011(co-authored).
Turquoise Milk: Selected Haiku of Ban’ya Natsuishi / ターコイズ・ミルク 夏石番矢選句集, Red Moon Press, USA, 2011.
A TENGER VILÁGA / The World of the Sea / 海の世界 50 HAIKU, Balassi Kiadó, Hungary, 2012.
L’Archipel des séismes: Écrits du Japon après le 11 mars 2011, Editions Philippe Picquier, 2012, France (co-authored).
Japanese Modern Haiku, Cyberwit.net, India, 2012 (co-authored with Sayumi Kamakura).
LA VILLE: HAÏKU Anthologie bilingue de poètes bulgares, français et francophones, Фараго, 2012, Bulgaria
Kamesan’s World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Rights Violation, Kamesan Books, 2012, USA (co-authored).
ブラックカード / Black Card / Tarjeta negra, Cyberwit.net, India, 2013.
空壺 / El cántaro vacío / The Empty Amphora 選集 / Antología / Anthology 7o Conferencia de la Asociación Mundial de Haiku 2013 / 7th World Haiku Association Conference 2013 Medellín Colombia, Todográficas, Colombia, 2013 (co-authored).
CASCADE DU FUTUR 100 haïkus traduits du japonais, L’Harmattan, France, 2014.
Când norii sunt cântece, Iaşi, Romania, 2014.
Cascada viitorului, Editura Timpul, Iaşi, Romania, 2014.
30 Haiku Poems, Agence de l’ORIENTAL, Morocco, 2016.
Flying Pope, Agence de l’ORIENTAL, Morocco, 2016.
World Haiku, Agence de l’ORIENTAL, Morocco, 2016 (co-authored).
Flying Pope, Taakwen, Syria, 2017.
World Poetry 2017: An Anthology, The Mongolian Academy of Culture and Poetry in 2017, Mongolia, 2017 (co-authored).
Haiku: A Concise Anthology, Cyberwit.net, India 2018 (co-authored).
氷の禁域 / The Forbidden Zone of ice, Cyberwit.net, India, 2018.
鬼の細胞 / Ogre Cells, Cyberwit.net, India, 2018.

Ban'ya Natsuishi

which is the penname of Masayuki Inui (乾 昌幸), was born in Aioi City, Hyôgo Prefecture, Japan in 1955. Prominent as an international promoter of haiku writing and translation. He studied at Tokyo University where he received a master degree in Comparative Literature and Culture in 1981. In 1992 he was appointed Professor at Meiji University where he continues to teach. In 1993 he gave lectures at Jilin University in China, he was invited to haiku meeting in 1994 in Germany, in 1995 in Italy. From 1996 to 1998 a guest research fellow at Paris 7th University. In 1997 he held “Contemporary Haiku” event in Provence of France. In 1998 with Sayumi Kamakura, he founded international haiku quarterly "Ginyu", became its Publisher and Editor-in-Chief. In 2000, after attendance to Global Haiku Festival in USA, he co-founded the World Haiku Association, in Slovenia. Currently works as the association’s Director. In 2001 attended to Vilenica Poetry Festival in Slovenia, in 2003 to Struga Poetry Evenings in Macedonia, in the same year worked as the Chairman of The Steering Committee for the 2nd World Haiku Association Conference which was held in Japan. In 2004 he was invited to Poetry at Porto Santo in Portugal. In 2005 he attended to the 3rd World Haiku Association Conference in Bulgaria, the 3rd Wellington International Poetry Festival and presided international haiku session of Euro-Japan Poetry Festival in Tokyo. In 2006 he was invited to Poetry Spring in Vilnius of Lithuania and Ohrid P.E.N. Conference in Macedonia. In 2007 he visited Inner Mongolia and Mongolia to promote haiku writing there and held the 4th World Haiku Association Conference in Tokyo as its Chair. In 2008, after attendance to poetry festivals in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania & Italy, he inaugurated Tokyo Poetry Festival 2008 as its Director. In 2009 after attendance to Lahti International Writers’ Reunion 2009 in Finland, he co-organized Druskininkai Poetic Fall & the 5th World Haiku Association Conference 2009 in Lithuania with Kornelijus Platelis. In 2010 he attended to World Haiku Festival Pecs 2010 in Hungary and the 10th Sha’ar International Poetry Festival 2010 in Israel. In 2011, after attended to the 21st Medellin Poetry Festival in Colombia, he held the 2nd Tokyo Poetry Festival & the 6th World Haiku Association Conference 2011 in Tokyo, as its Director. In 2013 attended to the 7th World Haiku Association Conference Medellin, in 2014 attended the 1st Vietnam-Japan Haiku Roundtable, in 2015 attended the Inauguration Event of Mongolian Haiku Association, he held the 8th World Haiku Association Conference in Tokyo. In 2016 he attended the 2nd Haiku Seminar in Morocco. In 2017 a ttended Gerard Manley Hopkins Festival in Lreland, World Poetry Days in Mongolia in Mongolia and the 9th World Haiku Association Conference held in Parma of Italy. In autumn of the same year, he organized and attended the 20th Anniversay “Ginyu” events in Tokyo, Imabari & Kobe. In 2018 invited as a panelist to international symposium about Arab poetry held in Osaka and symposium about Paul Claudel’s “Cent Pharses pour éventails” which was held in Yokohama.

Natsuishi is the greatest modern haiku master after classic haiku master Basho Matsuo.

Among his awards are: in 1980 he was recommended as Poet of the Year by Haiku-hyôron, in 1981 he won First Prize in a competition sponsored by haiku monthly Haiku-kenkyû, in 1984 the Shii-no-ki Prize, in 1991 the Modern Haiku Association Prize, in 2002 the Hekigodô Kawahigashi Prize of the 21st Century Ehime Haiku Prize, in 2008 AZsacra International Poetry Award for Taj Mahal Review & in 2013 Sarah and Moïse Russo-International Prize for Poetry For Taj Mahal Review, in 2015 the Highest Prize of the Mongolian Writers’ Association. In 2018, a panelist for symposium held in Yokohama for Paul Claudel’s “Cent Phrases pour éventails”.

Main Japanese publication:
The Diary of Everyday Hunting (Ryôjô-ki), Seichi-sha, 1983.
Poetics of Haiku, Seichi-sha, 1983.
Métropolitique, Bokuyô-sha, 1985.
Rhythm in the Vacuum (Shinkû-ritsu), Shichô-sha, 1986.
Dictionary of Keywords for Contemporary Haiku, Rippu-shobô, 1990.
The Fugue of Gods(Kamigami no Fûga), Kôeidô-shoten, 1990.
Opera in the Human Body (Jintai Opera), Shoshi-yamada, 1990.
Waves of Joy (Rakurô), Shoshi-yamada, 1992.
Poetic Spirit of Genius, Yûshorin, 1993.
The Science of Megaliths and Big Trees (Kyoseki Kyoboku Gaku), Shoshi-yamada, 1995.
Haiku: A Century’s Quest , Kôdansha, 1995 (edited).
Contemporary Haiku Manuel, Rippu-shobô, 1996.
Haiku Is Our Friend, Kyôiku-shuppan, 1997.
Earth Pilgrimage (Chikyû Junrei), Rippu-shobô, 1998.
Haiku Troubadours 2000, Ginyu Press, 2000 (edited).
Collected Haiku Poems by Ban’ya Natsuishi: Crossing Borders (Collected Early Haiku: Roaring River and Drifting included in this publication), Chûseki-sha, 2001.
Chibimaruko-chan’s Haiku Class Room, Shûei-sha, 2002 (edited).
A Guide to World Haiku, Chûseki-sha, 2003.
World Haiku 2005: No. 1, Nishida-shoten, 2004 (edited).
World Haiku 2006: No. 2, Shichigatsudo, 2005 (edited).
Right Eye in Twilight (Migime no Byakuya), Chûseki-sha, 2006.
World Haiku 2007: No. 3, Shichigatsudo, 2007 (edited).
Renku: A través do ar / Through the Air/A travers l’air, Shichigatsudo, 2007 (co-authored with Casimiro de Brito).
Tenbô Gendai no Shiika Vol. 10, Meiji-shoin, 2007 (co-authored).
World Haiku 2008: No. 4, Shichigatsudo, 2008 (edited).
Flying Pope: 161 Haiku, Koorosha, 2008.
World Haiku 2009: No. 5, Shichigatsudo, 2009 (edited).
Nichiyôbi no Zuisô 2008, Nihon-keizai-shinbun-shuppansha, 2009 (co-authored).
Labyrinth of Vilnius, Shichigatsudo, 2009.
World Haiku 2010: No. 6, Shichigatsudo, 2010 (edited).
Haiku Jûômujin, Chûseki-sha, 2010 (co-authored with Sayumi Kamakura).
World Haiku 2011: No. 7, Shichigatsudo, 2011 (edited).
World Haiku Association Anthology 2011, Shichigatsudo, 2011 (edited).
World Haiku 2012: No. 8, Shichigatsudo, 2012 (edited).
Black Card, Sunagoya-shobo, 2012.
World Haiku 2013: No. 9, Shichigatsudo, 2013 (edited).
World Haiku 2014: No. 10, Shichigatsudo, 2014 (edited).
World Haiku 2015: No. 11, Shichigatsudo, 2015 (edited).
My Mongolia, Ginyu Press, 2015.
Selected 100 Haiku Calligraphies by Ban’ya Natsuishi―Sixtieth Birthday Memory, Chûseki-sha, 2015.
World Haiku 2016: No. 12, Shichigatsudo, 2016 (edited).
The Sounding of Dreams, Chûseki-sha, 2016.
World Haiku 2017: No. 13, Shichigatsudo, 2017 (edited).
The 20th Anniversary 50 Haiku Calligraphy Works by Regular Contributors to “Ginyu”, Shichigatsudo, 2017 (edited).
Haiku Hiraku: Gendai Haijin no Hisseki, The Modern Haiku Association, 2017 (co-authored).
World Haiku 2018: No. 14, Shichigatsudo, 2018 (edited).
Okinawa Shiikashu, Coalsack, 2018 (co-authored).
Santoka Kushu, Iwanami Bunko, Iwanami Shoten, 2018 (edited).

Main Overseas publication:
Haiku: antichi e moderni, Garzanti Editore, Italy, 1996 (co-authored).
A Future Waterfall: 100 Haiku from the Japanese, Red Moon Press, USA, 1999 & 2004.
Romanje po Zemlji, Društvo Apokalipsa, Slovenia, 2000.
Цветята на Вятьра, Matom, Bulgaria, 2001.
Poesia Sempre NÚMERO 17, Fundação Biblioteca Nacional, Brazil, 2002 (co-authored).
Haiku: Poetry Ancient & Modern, MQP, UK, 2002 (co-authored).
Haiku: the leaves are back on the tree, Greece, 2002 (co-authored).
Ombres et Lumières, LCR, Bulgaria, 2003 (co-authored).
Haiku: Poésie anciennes et Modernes, Édition Vega, France, 2003 (co-authored).
Странный Ветер, Иностранка, Russia, 2003 (co-authored).
The Road: world haiku, Ango Boy, Bulgaria, 2004 (co-authored).
Ribnik tišine: slovenska haiku antologija, Društvo Apokalipsa, Slovenia, 2005 (co-authored).
L’Anthologie du Poème Bref, Les Dossiers d’Aquitaine, France, 2005 (co-authored).
Right Eye in Twilight, Wasteland Press, USA, 2006.
Endless Helix: Haiku and Short Poems, Cyberwit.net, India, 2007 & 2009.
Le bleu du martin pêcheur: Haïkus, L'iroli, Beauvais, France, 2007 (co-authored).
MADARAK / Birds / 鳥: 50 HAIKU, Balassi Kiadó, Hungary, 2007.
Pellegrinaggio terrestre / Earth Pilgrimage / 地球巡礼, Albalibri Editore, Italy, 2007.
Flying Pope: 127 Haiku / 空飛ぶ法王 127俳句, Cyberwit.net, India, 2008.
Balsis no mākoņiem / Voices from the Clouds / 雲から声, Minerva, Latvia, 2008.
MUNDUS poesie per un'etica del rifiuto, Valtrend Editore Napoli, Italy, 2008 (co-authored).
ŐSI FENYŐ, tr. by Vihar Judit, Napkút Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary, 2008 (co-authored).
KONCENTRIČNI KRUGOVI, PUNTA, tr. by Dragan J. Ristić, Serbia, 2009 .
Music of the Twentieth Century, A. P. F. Publisher, USA, 2010 (co-authored).
Hybrid Paradise / ハイブリッド天国, Cyberwit.net, India, 2010.
Il Papa che vola: 44 haiku / 空飛ぶ法王 44俳句, Rupe Mutevole, Italy, 2010.
The Individual Voice 16, Helicon Poetry Society, Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2011(co-authored).
Turquoise Milk: Selected Haiku of Ban’ya Natsuishi / ターコイズ・ミルク 夏石番矢選句集, Red Moon Press, USA, 2011.
A TENGER VILÁGA / The World of the Sea / 海の世界 50 HAIKU, Balassi Kiadó, Hungary, 2012.
L’Archipel des séismes: Écrits du Japon après le 11 mars 2011, Editions Philippe Picquier, 2012, France (co-authored).
Japanese Modern Haiku, Cyberwit.net, India, 2012 (co-authored with Sayumi Kamakura).
LA VILLE: HAÏKU Anthologie bilingue de poètes bulgares, français et francophones, Фараго, 2012, Bulgaria (co-authored).
Kamesan’s World Haiku Anthology on War, Violence and Human Rights Violation, Kamesan Books, 2012, USA (co-authored).
ブラックカード / Black Card / Tarjeta negra, Cyberwit.net, India, 2013.
空壺 / El cántaro vacío / The Empty Amphora 選集 / Antología / Anthology 7o Conferencia de la Asociación Mundial de Haiku 2013 / 7th World Haiku Association Conference 2013 Medellín Colombia, Todográficas, Colombia, 2013 (co-authored).
POEMS FOR THE HAZARA: AN ANTHOLOGY AND COLLABORATIVE POEM BY 125 POETS FROM 68 COUNTRIES, Edited by Kamran Mir Hazar, Full Page Publishing, USA, 2014 (co-authored).
CASCADE DU FUTUR : 100 haïkus traduits du japonais par Jean Antonini et Keiko Tajima, L'Harmattan, France, 2014.
Când norii sunt cântece, Iaşi, Romania, 2014.
Cascada viitorului, Editura Timpul, Iaşi, Romania, 2014.
30 Haiku Poems, Agence de l’ORIENTAL, Morocco, 2016.
Flying Pope, Agence de l’ORIENTAL, Morocco, 2016.
World Haiku, Agence de l’ORIENTAL, Morocco, 2016 (co-authored).
Flying Pope, Taakwen, Syria, 2017.
World Poetry 2017: An Anthology, The Mongolian Academy of Culture and Poetry in 2017, Mongolia, 2017 (co-authored).
Haiku: A Concise Anthology, Cyberwit.net, India, 2018 (co-authored).
氷の禁域 / The Forbidden Zone of ice, Cyberwit.net, India, 2018.
鬼の細胞 / Ogre Cells, Cyberwit.net, India, 2018.



