On 12 September, it was a very hot day in Hanoi. We enjoyed sightseeing of Hanoi until 2;00 pm.
After return to Hanoi Emotion Hotel, we went to the Hall of Hanoi National University to attend Inaugural Ceremony of Vietnam-Japan Cultural Excahnge Club.
At 3;00 pm, the ceremony opened warmly.
Hanoi Haiku Club belongs to Vietnam-Japan Cultural Exchange Club. Some members including Dinh Nhat Hanh show proudly thier haiku calligraphies in Vietnamese on the stage.
Sayumi Kamakura, Kika Hotta and Ban'ya Natsuishi attended it, about 100 persons including Hanoi Haiku Club"s members. Our haiku comrade, Le Thi Binh is one of the most active board of the new-born club.
Excerpt: ベトナムの新聞「Văn nghệ」(文芸)2014年9月20日付け(通巻2848号)に夏石番矢講演原稿のベトナム語版「ハノイと世界俳句」。
Weblog: Ban'ya
Tracked: 2014-10-25 19:17