My arrival at Medellin

Time in Colombia has a delay of 14 hours against Japan. After a trip of 2 days (Tokyo-Narita, Mexico City, Bogota), finally I arrived at Medellin of Colombia.

In an air plane and in the Mexio City airport, almost no clock for passengers and public. From Tokyo to Mexico City, my neighbor passenger is a pretty Peruana who is working as Assistant for manga writer in Japan. In Mexico City airport, I was waiting about 11 hours. Prices are quite expensive in it.

Airport without clock
inflation of values
so hot

Ban´ya Natsuishi

It´s my first visit of South America! It´s a new world for me.

From 30 June to 11 July, I will be staying in Gand Hotel in Medellin. It´s misty and rainy in this city on the highland. In the hotel, I took breakfast, talking with Fernando Rendon Junior and a Spanish woman poet, Anna.

After rain in Medellin
a job like dancing
"un momento"

Ban´ya Natsuishi



南アフリカへ俳句を送る 『ネルソン・マンデラ国際詩選集』
Excerpt: 南アフリカでネルソン・マンデラを称えるアンソロジーが出版される。95か国95人が選ばれる。
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