I and Sayumi Kamakura is in Helsinki of Finland now, after attendace to Lahti Internatinal Writers' Reunion 2009. In this capital facing the Baltic Sea, we will take a short rest and return to Japan.
During Lahti Internatinal Writes' Reunion, we met again Europen friend poets, made a new friendship between many writers. I addressed my keynote speech in English "Haiku beyond Horizons", read my own haiku at two reading sessios.
I and Sayumi Kamakura's haiku translated into Finnish by Kai Nieminen has appeared in the top page of the Finnish literature magazine "Parnasso"'s recent issue (3 2009).
Our schedule was too tight to write new haiku, but I could be inspired by clear and silent Finnish atmosphere to compose one haiku as follows:
On a rock like a cloud
my hand and
a jungle of moss
Ban'ya Natsuishi
「俳句 縦横無尽38 花崗岩の都」を高知新聞社へ
Excerpt: 7月20日(月)掲載予定の、夏石番矢「俳句 縦横無尽38 花崗岩の都」を、高知新聞社へメールした。
Weblog: Ban'ya
Tracked: 2009-07-14 14:05
Excerpt: 夏石番矢国際会議参加歴
Weblog: Ban'ya
Tracked: 2015-06-14 10:43
Quand est-ce que vous êtes revenus à travers à Japon?
Wann werden Sie durch nach Japan zurückgekommen?