Evening, 19 September 2008, at "Avenue" restaurant, Haiku Vilnius held a haiku meeting to which about 30 persons attended.
Before the beginning, I was interviewed by a Lithuanian journalist.
During this haiku event, Kornelius Platelis announced "The 5th World Haiku Association Conference at Druskininkai Poetic Fall 2009", I talked about history of Japanese haiku, poetics of haiku abd haiku around the world.
Attendants tried to write haiku in Lithuanian or English, some of them are still prose, but some are nice! So, haiku in Lithuania will make a progress.
Vilnius in the night
I am a bee
enclodes in an amber
Ban ya Natsuishi
Afternoon, 20 September 2008, I will depart for Milan. Clirim Muca and Julisu Franzot will hold several haiku events in Milan, Bergamo, Trieste, etc.
Excerpt: ヨーロッパ歴訪を終え帰国した、EUジャパン・フェスト日本委員会の古木修治さんより、おみやげの本が届いた。今年の欧州文化首都で、リトアニアの首都、ヴィルヌス(Vilnius)の人たちによる、俳句アンソロ..
Weblog: Ban'ya
Tracked: 2009-04-26 00:36