This morning, I woke up about 8:00 am, while it is raining.
From 4:30 pm, 19 September, I will give a lecture about haiku and read my haiku inspired by my first visit of Lithuania in 2006. Kornelius Platelis will read Lithuanian version of my haiku which appeared in "Ginyu" No. 32 (October 2006, Ginyu Press) with Japanese original as well as English translations.
Meiro no birunusu ame no borei tsuitekuru
Labylinth of Vilnius:
a ghost of rain
following me
Ban ya Natsuishi
Excerpt: ヨーロッパ歴訪を終え帰国した、EUジャパン・フェスト日本委員会の古木修治さんより、おみやげの本が届いた。今年の欧州文化首都で、リトアニアの首都、ヴィルヌス(Vilnius)の人たちによる、俳句アンソロ..
Weblog: Ban'ya
Tracked: 2009-04-26 00:36