Haiku reading--From Riga (5)

Yesterday, 9 Setember, It was cloudy in Riga.

From noon to 13;30pm, at Library of Faculty of Phillology and Artistic Science of Latvian University, I performed a haiku reading, to it 40 students including several professors and poets attended.

They were good audiance for my haiku reading in Japanese as well as Latvian, all of these haiku frrom "Balsis no makoniem"(Kumo kara Koe)(Minervas, Riga, Latvia, 2008). Ayumi Kurosawa who works at the Embassy of Japan in Rifa helped me, trasnlating my Japanese speech into Latvian, Leons Briedis read Latvian version of my haiku.

From 19;00 pm to 20;00pm, I performed a haiku reading at Nordic Center of Latvian Cuture Academy. The audiance of 30 persons including a famous Latvian poetess, Astride. I read my haiku in Japanese from the same book with help of Leons Briedis reading Latvian version. after reading, they asked very important questions, to them I replied with satisfaction for audiance.

Some of audiance gave me beautifull flowers which I brought to my lodging, B & B Riga.

I took dinner at Bergs Restaurant in Berga Hotel where all dishes were very delicious.


  • タツヒコ

    ラトビア人のレイモンド・パウルスが作曲したロシアの歌謡曲Миллион алых роз(100万本のバラ)を加藤登紀子風に歌えば、聴衆はどんな反応をするのだろうか、試してみたいものだ。
    2008年09月10日 22:00
  • ザッコ

    Good evening. Mr.Natuishi. It is most important at the Haiku in Latvia, and that of popularity.
    2008年09月11日 00:06


ラトヴィアへの旅 「俳句 縦横無尽④」
Excerpt: ラトヴィアへの旅 「俳句 縦横無尽④」が、「高知新聞」2008年11月10日(月)に掲載されたので、下にアップしておきたい。
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Tracked: 2008-11-12 20:01

Excerpt: 夏石番矢国際会議参加歴
Weblog: Ban'ya
Tracked: 2015-06-12 08:21